Thursday, September 18, 2008


I'm afraid I've failed again. Unfortunately, some of your instructions are a bit vague for people who don't know what you're talking about. I right-clicked on my image, saved it with a file name, and found the image button (at least, that's what it seemed to be - it said something like "add image"). But how do you get the image on to the blog? I typed in the file name at every opportunity, but it just sat there looking at me and not doing anything. I hadn't been able to find a code to copy - the bit at the top jsut said "image generator" or something, but it didn't change when I put my word in, so I'm sure that wouldn't have been much use to you.
I looked at all three of those things - the first one seemed a bit laboured and pointless - just making up silly names and things. I thought they were actually going to use my name to create another one, which might have been quite clever, but if you're just going to pick words at random, I don't know why you'd bother. I thought the James one was much better; and the third one might very well be quite interesting if you've got some photos, but I haven't, so I didn't really look at that one much.
Now this is where you should see a nice picture of a happy German person playing Scrabble, and just putting the last letter of "Spaetzle" in, but it's obviously lost inside my computer somewhere, and I don't know how to get it out.
And oh, dear, sorry, I can't remember what number this is. 13? I'll try that. I really will check when I find the exrcises again. It could be 14.

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